
Positive Handling Training for your School

Positive Handling Training For Schools

Physical Intervention Training | Maintain Personal Safety | Conflict Resolution Training

If you work in or manage a school, or other education setting, you know that the ability to defuse and manage conflict and challenging behaviour can be as vital as the ability to teach. Children with behavioural problems, persistent disruptive behaviour and even communicating with angry parents are just some of the situations that can challenge and potentially harm both you and your students. GoodSense delivers managing challenging behaviour training, positive handling training and physical intervention courses for teachers, learning &support assistants and other staff in education settings, helping you to manage and reduce risk at the same time as safeguarding the needs of your pupils.

Our courses are for you if:

  • You are a Teacher, Learning & Support Assistant , Deputy Head Teacher, Head Teacher, Governor working in a special school , PRU or special school.
  • You’re looking for effective physical intervention training for your teaching staff to help them deal with difficult pupils and reduce the risk of violence.
  • You want your staff – teaching and administration – to have the knowledge and confidence to communicate effectively and defuse challenging behaviour, keeping themselves and their students safe.
  • You are looking for physical intervention minimisation.
  • You want conflict resolution training, prevention and break away techniques for teams as well as lone workers.
  • You want your teaching staff to learn how their speech and body language can prevent and defuse challenging behaviour  and therefore reduce physical interventions in the classroom.
  • You need to meet your legal obligations and regulatory requirements.
  • You want  the option of an accredited QCF BTEC  qualification in Positive Handling.
  • You are looking for full day INSET training, half day or Twilight session. 
  • You want us to come to your school or gym to deliver the training.
  • You want expert trainers in this specialised field, who understand both the law and the department of education guidance on the Use of Reasonable Force.
  • You want bespoke training for your school.
  • You want medically, ethically and risk assessed training.
  • you want the training to be legally audited to match DofE positive handling guidance.
  • You are looking to train your whole school in one day.
  •  You want to be compliant with positive handling government regulations.
  • You want the training to fit with positive handling plans and be risk assessed.
  • You want practical solutions for positive handling.

Our nationwide positive handling training gives school staff confidence and skill in dealing with the complex and varied situations their work often presents:

  • Communicating with students – and parents – with mental health or learning disabilities.
  • Working with children and looked-after children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
  • Managing challenging behaviour and difficult behaviour from students of all ages, including children and/or their parents, carers or guardians.
  • Resolving specific scenarios eg angry parents, trespassers in the school grounds.
  • Defusing aggressive and violent behaviour in person and over the telephone.
  • De escalate conflict to reduce physical interventions.
  • Applying physical intervention and physical restraint as a last resort.
  • Recognised BTEC vocational qualification in physical interventions.

You’ll be reassured to know that we’ve been providing positive handling training in schools since 1996 and our education clients include Bradford Pupil Referral Unit, De Ferrers Academy and Blackpool 6th Form College among others. You may also be interested in our training for local authorities.

Choose us for physical intervention training in schools training that’s highly flexible, good value and starts with a free consultation to determine what you need and how we can best help you manage conflict in your workplace. You can select from our extensive menu of local courses for education providers above or ask us to develop bespoke training for your particular situation.